Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lunch and Learn

This summer, I have had the privilege to work with some absolutely amazing coworkers. And just like any job we have, the end goal is to look back and have something to take with you going forward. There are many things I can take from this summer; and many of them aren't environmental engineering-related at all. And that's the beauty of these past few months. I will be applying so much of the lessons I've learned in any path I may choose to take going forward. And here's one that I have to pass along to you, my friends and family.

About a month ago, my supervisor held a "Lunch and Learn" session for the engineering, environmental, and health and safety team. In the middle of a busy time for him and the group, he ordered us pizza and paid us our hourly pay for the time we spent with him in the company's conference room. The whole reason for this special meeting, was to take time to watch a video and reflect on how we were living our lives outside of work.

In my four summers of working, I've been privileged to have great bosses. I look back at all of them and see many great traits that I admire and want to embody myself. But this decision to invest in the lives of your coworkers as a leader is the most memorable from this summer (so far). Everyone in my department was really touched by his act of taking time to invest in their lives. People are always more important than any piece of equipment, meeting a quota, or any amount of profit. Yes, these must be pursued in business, but he realized that what is most important is taking a little time to step back and refocus on what life's all about.

He decided to share this video with us and I encourage you to watch it. It's Randy Pausch's "Last Lecture" at Carnegie Mellon. He has terminal cancer and shares many of his life lessons in his last opportunity to speak wisdom into those closest and most important to him. This story had really impacted my boss and sharing this  with us, was his way of showing us that he cared.

So please take some time to watch this. You won't regret it. And think to yourself, "Is there a way I can show my care and concern for those I lead?" I can attest to it personally, that it fosters the relationship and could be exactly what they need from you.

And if you enjoy this, I highly suggest reading the book "The Last Lecture." It has several additional stories and lessons that we're not included in his recorded lecture.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

No Clean Cut

The results of Freeh's investigation on the "Penn State Scandal" have troubled me to the point where I have a hard time figuring out what to feel or think. And it's not just the findings listed in the report, but the way everyone is reacting to the news. I really think most people are conflicted inside like me, between outrage, skepticism, loyalty, disgust, and handfuls of other emotions. Over the past several months, consistent with how I try to approach many situations, I try to give others the benefit of the doubt. But being optimistic, only prolongs the pain when the worst of the worst is in fact the reality.

It sickens me that men, trusted to make the best decisions, failed those kids and failed miserably. The leaders of a football program and school that preached the importance and need of integrity and the moral pursuit of success in athletics and academics, didn't practice their own lessons. And now, we are faced with how to react as we go forward.

In less than two months, assuming nothing unexpected occurs, I'll be marching into Beaver Stadium, the iconic reunion place for much of the Penn State family, only this time, it's going to feel different. It's not going to have the perfect, innocent, and joyful feeling it's had these past three years. It's a new beginning, a sad beginning. And it will never be the same. Having these acts brought to the light illuminates a number of issues beyond the abuse that occured; issues that can't be fixed by any coach, president, court, or law enforcement.

It only takes one man's actions and transgressions to bring out the worst in humanity. Within the past year we have seen it here in State College. There aren't words to describe how sick Sandusky's actions and crimes are. But think about our reaction to these terrible deeds...

Four days after the initial release of Sandusky's charges, Joe Paterno's is firing led to an unnecessary and ill-advised riot in downtown State College. Students flipped a news van, shouted chants like "F&%# the media!" and start fires on the lawn of Old Main all in protest of a decision we as students had little to no knowledge of the reasons for. Why was destruction needed? Why did students cuss out media members who were simply doing their job and played no role in the firing decision or sexual abuse in the first place? It's because we as students also failed in upholding the standards. We did not possess the integrity we prided ourselves in as Penn Staters.

Millions across the country, then jumped to conclusions on individuals' involvements, motivations, and innocence or lack there of. It became a witch-hunt, people throwing others under the bus. This was all in an attempt to either make themselves look better in comparison to those who were accused of making bad decisions or just for the sake of jumping on the bandwagon. Our whole campus was guilty by association because of the transgressions of a few who shared ties to the same institution. We as a society run for our pitchforks and torches at the sound of an accusation.

No one was thinking for themselves, and out of the "care for these victims" that so many pointed to to justify their reactions, they condemned others and acted heinously as well. Reading the comments on articles (a terrible idea I might add), I would constantly find messages with a combination of hope and prayers for those victimized and distasteful jokes about or threats to those involved. How does this make any sense? How can those two things come from the same heart and mind?

These drastically mixed feelings led so many to judging the eternal destination of these individuals. A visible example of this came from ndulge, a dessert shop downtown. They posted these signs earlier this year and many students celebrated their move to present these in their windows.

We are in no place to judge the eternal destination of others. It resides completely in the personal relationship with God, and although actions can point to the health of this relationship, ultimately He is the final judge. In a decision that isn't based on a ratio of good vs. bad within us, but our faith in Christ, who are we to make such bold statements.

And what about the large number claiming they would have done something different? If they were in fact correct in their statements, wouldn't we be living around an overwhelming number of moral and ethical people? I look at myself, and realize I'm not perfect. I look around in this college environment and I see so much that is just plain wrong with it. I'm starting to feel like these deficiencies in humanity are more prevalent than we think, and we overstate our goodness and understate our failings and badness.

I want to think if I were to ask any of these men, they would say with hindsight that they would have done things differently. So everyone has 20/20 hindsight. Who are we to say that in someone else's shoes we would have done something different? We can only make sure to do our best in the future when presented with a tough challenge like this.

The truth is this world is broken. People do terrible things, and in reaction to these terrible things people do even more terrible things. I've wanted this whole case to wrap up, get closure, be learned from, and go in the past. But sadly, it won't.

There will be questions unanswered, facts that will remain in the dark, and despite this coming to the light, child sexual abuse along with many other horrendous acts will continue. Crimes will go unpunished, innocent individuals will have the quality of their lives compromised and diminished, and fingers will continue to be pointed in the aftermath, both at those justly and falsely accused.

So, sorry that you had to deal with my rambling. I just wanted to share some of my observations. I've definitely played a role in some if not all of these issues in some way or another. And despite my thoughts and feelings, I still don't know what to think of all of this. I'm constantly conflicted with my lack of knowledge on everyone's motivations, thoughts, and hearts. I simply don't know all the facts, and I am disturbed by everything that has to our best knowledge occurred.

I try to hold on to this little verse through all of this.

"Let the man without sin cast the first stone."                                      - John 8:7 -

We need to think before we act in the wake of another's mistake. Otherwise the cut never heals, it only gets deeper, and the bleeding gets worse.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

MISSION: Speed Limit

Driving from State College to Roaring Spring everyday and then driving home several weekends, I have been logging thousands and thousands of miles and hours upon hours upon hours of time on the road. With all that time, you're bound to analyze, and maybe over-analyze certain things. It even brings back weird memories, like the time I saw a 9 1/2 mph speed limit sign.

And this random thought got me thinking... And after lots of thought, I came to the conclusion that our speed limit system is a little bizarre, for lack of a better word.

I find it hysterical that very few people actually follow this law of the road. We, in general, drive 5, 10, or sometimes more mph over the limit, keeping our eyes open for cops who hide alongside the road, attempting to catch those surpassing the allowed speed.

I would always find myself surprised when watching a pursuit on TV, how we would send 4 or 5 cops in pursuit of one speeding car. So instead of 1 dangerous driver on the road, we would have 5 or 6 speeding drivers on the road? This doesn't make sense.

Safety is the primary reason for instituting the speed limit. They are intended to give suggestions for roads, to inform riders of the safe speeds which they can travel. They also should be enforced as a way of keeping the safety of others on the roads at the forefront. But from the looks of it, I would say we've lost sight of the motivation of the law. We've forgotten, drivers and enforcers alike, that the motivation for creating the speed limit was to prevent crashes, and ultimately fatalities.

I'm no exemption from this. I've found myself driving faster and faster this summer, as I've grown frustrated with the amount of time I spend on the road.

And no, I'm not actually going to talk about how we shouldn't speed. I think it's an important subject, but I'd much rather look at the greater issue. We have a moral code that's inscribed within us that we are to live by to be safe and not harm others. A code that tells us, consciously or subconsciously, what's wrong and what's right. 

And this moral code consists of things like:

-Don't Lie
-Help Others in Danger
-Don't Steal
-Save a Life if You Can
-Don't Envy
-And many, many more...

So I equated speed limits to moral codes. And, I set a goal for myself. A mission to drive from home to State College, a 3 hour trip, at the speed limit.

And, I almost succeeded, failing on a few occasions. At the times I found myself speeding, I evaluated the root of it and here's what I've found after a ride that took only 20 extra minutes and probably ticked off a couple drivers...

1) It's harder to follow the speed limit on a two-lane highway, because you feel the added pressure of others opinions behind me. Watching a 20-car line in my rear-view mirror on 322 going into State College definitely made me want to speed, but unfortunately for those drivers, I held to the limit.

2) When you've established a habit of speeding, if you're not consciously trying to change it, it will just happen. One minute I was driving 65. The next, I was passing cars who were going the speed limit, because I had forgotten my desire to break the habit.

3) Limits can seem, well... limiting. They can come across as a "fun-reducer" or an unnecessary hassle. We feel the urge to break them because we feel like we would be missing out on valuable time if we abide them.

4) We try to justify ourselves. "Well everyone else is doing it." Or, "I'm still a safe driver." Or, "I'm in a hurry." We hear these lies that convince us to push and exceed what we're told not to do.

5) When we enforce a law, or judge someone for their immoral decision, we fail to recognize the deeper need. Cops are pulling people over for speeding, and demanding a ticket in compensation for the act. I really don't think that safety comes into play on all occasions.

So what to take from this...

If we're concerned with others' opinions about our decisions to do the right things, realize that it's not our problem how they respond. Sure, we might be affected by it, but the bigger problem if they respond inappropriately, resides within them.

If we have bad habits, we have to be conscious all the time to combat it. Recognizing the trigger or cue for the habit and the "benefit" received from the act can help to break it.

Laws and rules can seem restricting, but in fact they're quite freeing. I've heard many people talk about legislation as well as religion and faith as being restrictive. I can't say that 100% of legislation has the right motivations, but I can say that for the Bible. The law in the Bible is given to us as guidelines for living a fulfilled, happy, and Christ-centered life. We're told to not lie, steal, lust, harm, or slander because God doesn't want us to damage our relationships and lead a life enslaved to these damaging habits. It's motivation is 100% spot on.

Watch out for the lies your told. Many things will encourage you to take the easier road of committing the illegal or immoral act. Fight it, and stop it at the root.

And lastly, when someone else is struggling with an immoral habit, look out for their well-being and really try to help them end this cycle. They can do serious damage to themselves and those they love if they continue. Don't judge them for their decision; try to provide help.

So I challenge you next drive to go the speed limit. I used the extra time on my drive to really consider what I have struggled with. And it was the best drive I've had in a while. If you do drive the speed limit already, think about why you do. Is safety really your motivation? And the greater question... Are we concerned for the well-being of our friends, family, and selves the motivation for following our moral code? What habits have us pushing the limit, and when will it finally catch up with us if we don't break it?

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Manila Folder

Have you ever had a conversation with someone that you knew as it was unfolding, would be one you would never forget? A conversation that would be life-changing because its message was exactly what you were looking for at that time? I was blessed to have one this past week with a great man, a fellow co-worker, Rob over lunch at a small local pizza shop.

With his mother passing away when he was 6 years-old, Rob's father was left to raise seven kids on his own. Working a majority of his day at his bar and also an alcoholic, his father pretty much left Rob and his siblings to figure life out on their own. Rob struggled in early jobs to support him and his wife, and went to school late, only to have setbacks in finding jobs with his degrees.

He shared with me a piece of advice. "Don't let life happen to you. Make life happen."

He thought of this 15 minutes before quiting a previous job because it was stagnant. He wasn't learning anymore. He wasn't growing. He was letting life happen to him and always felt a step behind on pursuing dreams in life. In fact, he wasn't really sure what his dreams were. So those last 15 minutes before walking up to his boss to inform him of his decision, he took a pad of lined paper and a pen and started writing.

After lunch, when we got back to work, he opened the bed of his truck and pulled out a manila folder for me to see. It contained drawings, doodles, and a list on this lined pad paper he had mentioned during lunch. It was a list of roughly 25 dreams he wanted to accomplish. A bucket list essentially, but it listed everything from being a handyman, to writing a children's book, to inventions he had ideas for, to creating a 3-year teenage Sunday school lesson plan.

And he's been going after them. He worked as a handyman for 5 years, doing small-scale construction work for many different people. He enjoyed the opportunity to help out so many different people. After finishing his job, he would ask to share the gospel with his clients.

He even wrote a children's book. He's almost finished it. It's titled "Duck Book" and it's meant to be a tongue twister for kids.

As I look forward to this last year at Penn State as an undergrad, I wonder what's next and I put so much emphasis on the importance of a few big decisions, in similar fashion to Rob's focus on finding the perfect job. In fact, looking back, so often the pursuit of the next step in life has constantly clouded my vision from pursuing other dreams.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be a fry-cook at McDonald's.

I wanted to be an engineer (for a train) because that's the type of engineer I thought my dad was and I thought that was the coolest thing.

I wanted to marry Cinderella, and I made some moves. She was digging me, but I just wasn't ready to settle down yet. The long distance relationship would have been tough with me in Baltimore and her staying in Orlando. And don't get me started on how jealous Prince Charming was and how difficult he made things.

I wonder now, where have these child-like dreams gone? Maybe not these dreams specifically, but dreams in general. Have I pushed aside the pursuit of the simple pleasures in life, for the chase of "bigger" "more important" things? 

If you're like me, sometimes the "big decisions" can keep us from experiencing the best parts of life. It's like driving down a highway and failing to observe and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. 

I know over the rest of this summer, I'm going to start my own list and keep it in a manila folder to remember Rob, a man who took the time to share his story and dreams with me. It's made a big difference in his life, and it was important enough for him to want to pass it along. 

So who knows, maybe I'll end up at McDonald's at some point cooking fries, or maybe I'll end up saying "I Do"s with Cinderella, but in all reality those aren't my dreams anymore. They change as we change. Regardless of whether or not they actually happen, recognizing your aspirations and the pursuit of dreams is an important part of keeping it light and fun while making life happen.

So what's in your manila folder?